
Why it is important to get a comprehensive eye-exam done annually?

1024 683 Vasant Nayak

Why it is important to get a comprehensive eye-exam done annually? Regularly examination of eyes is important for overall health as it may help in early detection of any eye related issues. Why prioritize annual exam examination: – Maintain and monitor vision: Your vision can show changes with age or health condition like diabetes and…

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Papilloedema & its Connection with the Brain

1024 683 Vasant Nayak

Papilloedema & its Connection with the Brain What does Papilloedema mean? The Optic Disc which is located back of the eye serves a point where optic nerves connect. When ICP (Intracranial Pressure) increases it compresses the optic nerve causing swelling at the optic disc. Symptoms depend upon severity – headache will be the main complain…

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Everything you need to know about CSR (Central Serous Retinopathy)

1024 684 Vasant Nayak

Everything you need to know about CSR (Central Serous Retinopathy) How can once recognise the symptoms: Blur vision, distortion, dark spot in central vision. CSR occurs when there is fluid accumulation under the retina primarily affects the macula because of this vision is affected. In CSR a person has blur vision or distorted vision. CSR…

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Rheumatoid Arthritis How it Affects Eyesight

1024 768 Vasant Nayak

Rheumatoid Arthritis How it Affects Eyesight Rheumatoid Arthritis is chronic autoimmune disease which causes inflammation of joints and can even affect other part of the body. It may cause many issues in various part of the body and also include eyes like severe dryness in eyes (keratoconjunctivitis sicca). Rheumatoid Arthritis affects the lacrimal glands which…

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Optic Neuropathy & How it Affects Vision

1024 768 Vasant Nayak

Optic Neuropathy & How it Affects Vision Optic Neuropathy is related to optic nerve which sends visual signals from retina to brain. If there is damage in the nerve which supplies information it is known as optic neuropathy which will affect the vision badly and may cause permanent damage. The multiple types of Optic Neuropathy…

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Anti-VEGF Injection for Curing Diabetic Retinopathy

1024 683 Vasant Nayak

Anti-VEGF Injection for Curing Diabetic Retinopathy The main cause of diabetic retinopathy is the rise in blood sugar level (Hyperglycaemia) which causes weakness of retinal blood vessels leading to leakage of blood causing swelling in retina. Controlling diabetes is important as it may reduce the risk and severity of damage in retina. Diabetic retinopathy is…

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Consanguineous Marriage & its Impact on Genetic Eye Disorder

1024 683 Vasant Nayak

Consanguineous Marriage & its Impact on Genetic Eye Disorder Consanguineous marriage or marriage between close relatives can also increase the risk of genetic disorder which will affect vision in some cases. Non dominant genetic condition like color blindness, congenital cataract and retinitis pigmentosa can pass to next generation if parents have that gene, some genetic…

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Botox for Reversing Signs of Aging for Eye Area

1024 684 Vasant Nayak

Botox for Reversing Signs of Aging for Eye Area As we age, the skin around the eye shows signs of aging such as wrinkles, drooping eyelids so Botox is a non-surgical way to rejuvenate the eye area. 1. Clears out wrinkles and fine lines around the eye by temporarily relaxing the muscle around the eye…

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Ocular Health & Sleep Quality

1024 683 Vasant Nayak

Ocular Health & Sleep Quality Your eyes are crucial organs which constantly work by processing and interpreting the world around you. Since most of the tasks are now digital, maintaining eye health often gets overlooked. A key factor which is very important is sleep. During sleep the eyes lubricate to prevent dryness and irritation and…

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What Is The Retina? Symptoms & Treatment Of Retinal Problems

1023 768 Vasant Nayak

What Is The Retina? Symptoms & Treatment Of Retinal Problems What Is the Retina? Symptoms and Treatment of Retinal Problems The majority of the population has some kind of visual impairment, if glasses are considered a kind of visual impairment. They could be totally or partially blind, use glasses, or use readers. People may have…

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