Can Children Get Eye Numbers Due To Excessive TV?

1024 660 Vasant Nayak

Can Children Get Eye Numbers Due To Excessive Tv/ Computer/ I Pad / Gadget Viewing

Once a child is diagnosed with having a refractive error necessitating the use of spectacles, parents often chide the child saying it could have been avoided if they had been more prudent in their usage of electronic devices and phones. The children are often chastised for bad visual postures like lying down and reading or lying down and watching TV.

The main cause of refractive errors is genetic , that is, getting numbers is inherited either from the parents or from some close relative in the family tree.  The majority  of children and adults who wear glasses/ contact lenses have inherited the same.

The one instance of inducing a refractive error (or numbers) is when children stare too much  at a near screen for prolonged periods of time. This could cause myopia or Short sighted ness. So , children should be counselled about the number of hours of electronic device usage and the distance to be maintained while viewing the same.

The importance of maintaining good “visual hygiene”  like reading in adequate light and  with correct  posture is to avoid  visual strain .